Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Rollin' like Fred Durst (circa 2001)

Just celebrated my birthday the other day. Lots of tasty food, some very practical gifts (bus pass, phone cards), and loads of free chocolate. Twenty-six isn't so bad, especially since I'm writing with an enthusiasm that I haven't had in years. I may not have a summer job I was counting on due to poor registration numbers for the program that wanted to hire me, but since I have enough money in the bank to get me through the summer, this might be the opportunity I need to kick this whole self-publishing thing into overdrive.

I'm hovering somewhere around 50,000 words on the current project. This pleases me greatly. They are rough words, and I anticipate adding a good 10,000-20,000 words to the final rough draft count, whatever that ends up being. Aiming for somewhere between 75,000 and 90,000 when all is said and done.

I would write more here, but I'm looking at the clock, and I figure I can finish another 1200 words at least before the kids I look after get out of class for lunch!